Mark Powell: Solar is a true conservative solution

Mark D. PowellMy View

Re: “Solar-power subsidies robbing Peter to pay Paul” (My View, Aug. 8).

When fossil-fuel funded groups like Americans for Prosperity start attacking solar energy, you have to wonder: Whats in it for them? More Florida dollars going out of state for more coal and natural gas? More air and water pollution-related medical costs for all? More glacier-melting, sea-level-rising greenhouse gases?

AFP and utilities often spin myths to attack solar, usually by advocating a limit on the amount of solar that can be built, or by trying to get rid of net metering. The cost of solar is dropping, and distributed solar, actually generating power at the point of use, is a big threat to the traditional utility business model.

Rooftop solar is customer-financed. Permitting, constructing and hosting a long-term (20-plus years) renewable energy asset is done at no risk or cost to taxpayers. Solar benefits most during the day, when energy costs and demand are the highest, so more solar means less need for expensive “peaker" plants or future power plants. Rather than think forward about how to bring more renewables into our energy mix, AFP and many utilities just want to limit our choice. They don't want us to have a free market for energy choice; the more fossil fuel used, the more money they make.

Let’s dispel some of the myths. First of all, when you take into account that rooftop solar doesn't pollute, doesn’t expel greenhouse gases and has no fuel costs, solar is competitive and enjoys widespread support. Second, with cooperative solar facilities springing up in other states, when Florida finally starts moving solar forward again by supporting community solar, anyone can participate, whether they own a home or rent. With community solar you have the freedom to purchase one or more panels in a utility-scale solar facility, and the output from that panel reduces your electric bill. Third, rooftop solar energy is produced and used on-site. Any excess is used by your neighbor, who pays the utility (which by the way did not have to use their transmission lines, substations or generators to deliver that excess). The Vermont Electric Power Company found that distributed solar helped the state avoid $250 million in large transmission line upgrades.

True conservatives, those that wish to conserve our resources and provide a habitable and sustainable planet for future generations, are not buying what AFP is selling. True conservatives are increasingly partnering with environmental groups to keep state legislatures and public service commissions from telling them whether they can put solar on their roofs, operate solar community facilities or benefit from net metering.

Our neighbors in Georgia currently enjoy increased solar mandates thanks to — get this — the Green Tea Coalition. Last year, a portion of the tea party that broke apart from AFP actually combined forces with the Sierra Club to support a free market for energy choice! We could sure use some of that free market here in Florida.

Mark D. Powell is an atmospheric scientist with HWind Scientific LLC and board member of Sustainable Tallahassee. Contact him at mdp_ccm@mac.com.